Life & Times

Thursday, January 04, 2007

This is why i get nothing done!

babies in black & white!

2006 other stuff

2006 saw a few changes in my life! And not all good ones i might add!
I got to WW goal and have maintained which is a good thing.
I gave up smoking, but i am not proud to say that only lasted 3 months and the unrest turned me back to the cigarettes. I found that i had nothing to reward myself with at the completion of a tedious task so in turn got nothing done and my life felt like it was falling down around me. I know a lot of you non smokers will say "get over it" but its hard and trying to find a reward in place of a glass of water or cordial and a cigarette for thinking time is difficult.
I also found that i was completely disorganised last year ~ i don't know why but everything seemed hard. I don't make New Year resolutions, but i am aiming to be more organised this year (back to my old self anyway). I am hoping to do some 'de-cluttering' of the rooms in my home and maybe this will help in some small way.As for the 'smoking issue' i will think about another attempt....................

my man & me!

Carol said i should put this photo of me and my shrinking man. We dont have many photos taken together but i love this one taken on Christmas Day!

My BIG Boy Angus!

Okay so this isnt the most flattering photo of my boy, but like all males he never holds still long enough to take a photo so i have to get him in sleeping mode! What happened to my little baby boy?

My girl Jasmin

This is Jasmin & me just before Christmas - she is such a soft girlie girl!


This is a photo of my 2 ginger babies. Angus (with white feet) and Jasmin. They were playing world championship wrestling!

Christmas 2006!

Christmas 2006

Christmas Past!

Christmas 2004 & Christmas 2005


Hello everyone - long time no post! I dont know where 2006 went, i seemed to blink and it was all over!
This morning i updated my blogger to the new one (someone told me i had to do this ages ago) and so far all seems good. 2006 ended with me still maintaining within my WW healthy weight range so with this i am pleased. I wobble around a bit but so far nothing too drastic. Christmas was good to a point. I ate well at lunch and didnt stuff myself, didnt have pudding or icecream pudding. Come tea time and that was a different story.......i just sat in front of the leftovers and ate like i hadnt had lunch! Bad me. I did however pay for it the next day, i felt sluggish and full and was a bit ashamed at myself for eating like that. Back to healthy eating for a few days and felt much better. I think it was a combination of too many good foods all at once and maybe a weeny bit too much "alcamahol"!
Anyway thats all for now as i have some things to do this morning ~ will update again with photos later. Angus has grown into a BIG boy now and he is ony 9 months old. Jasmin is a cute and soft and girlie as ever!