Life & Times

Thursday, January 04, 2007

2006 other stuff

2006 saw a few changes in my life! And not all good ones i might add!
I got to WW goal and have maintained which is a good thing.
I gave up smoking, but i am not proud to say that only lasted 3 months and the unrest turned me back to the cigarettes. I found that i had nothing to reward myself with at the completion of a tedious task so in turn got nothing done and my life felt like it was falling down around me. I know a lot of you non smokers will say "get over it" but its hard and trying to find a reward in place of a glass of water or cordial and a cigarette for thinking time is difficult.
I also found that i was completely disorganised last year ~ i don't know why but everything seemed hard. I don't make New Year resolutions, but i am aiming to be more organised this year (back to my old self anyway). I am hoping to do some 'de-cluttering' of the rooms in my home and maybe this will help in some small way.As for the 'smoking issue' i will think about another attempt....................


  • At 10:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't beat yourself up over the ciggies Mary, when you are ready to give them up they will go. As for the de-cluttering, when you have finished your place come and do mine PLEASE!

  • At 1:39 pm, Blogger Mel said…

    You can do it Mary!!! Time to start that promise of making an earring every time you have a craving! As for the decluttering, that is something I have been working on too, its one of my new years resolutions, have you tried for suggestions? Its set me on a way to a much cleaner house, and what have you got to lose except all your clutter?

  • At 2:04 pm, Blogger Berrie said…

    Yeah Mary...what you goin on about..its okay..I understand where you are coming from...yes I am a non smoker but doesnt mean I dont understand how hard it is to give them up..if it was easy many would do it...
    Last year was a year of many changes for all of us..but the highlight of my year was meeting you in really was I wouldnt change THAT for anything...
    Good luck with all you wish to achieve this year..with determined effort I am sure you will do that and much much more..
    Berrie xx

  • At 8:52 pm, Blogger jen said…

    And mine too......pretty please.

    And yep, don't beat yourself up about the ciggies...I know as a reformed smoker (I quit for the 3rd time 6 years ago) that it is not easy.


  • At 9:29 pm, Blogger Susan (catsrylo) said…

    SO WHAT about the ciggies, Mary!! My sister is exactly the same constantly trying to give them up but she is so crazy and restless without them, and calm and pleasant when she's puffing again, I say who cares, as long as you are happy.

  • At 9:39 pm, Blogger Mary B said…

    i will get there but i just got to work my way through the horrors - thank you all for your suppost and Susan, that is interesting about your sister she sounds just like me!

  • At 8:30 pm, Blogger beebeejaybee said…

    hey mary, I have a workmate who asked for some inspiration to give up,
    I promised to cook something special and bring for lunch, I think it was vegie bake, after the first 6 months and perhaps take him for a ride after a year,
    I think its 5 months now or we've lost count and forgoten the deal, perhaps something along those lines, special things you would not usually have thought of but would like to do,

    as mel said try flylady for decluttering help has worked well for me too, one day at a time...
    or the new book speed cleaning has similar concepts

    Best wishes, whatever you achieve is better than nothing

  • At 10:57 am, Blogger ekko63 said…

    Mary you know im behind your giving up smoking all the way:) I am worried about your health!!

    If you find any good clutter give it to me:P

  • At 6:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Helloooo? has this bloggie died in the arse???


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